A short story and a novella are now completed and in the beta reading stage. If you are interested in reading them, please contact me at durnindesigns@gmail.com
The novella is called Shrugg in the City of Evil. It features the adventures of Shrugg as he tries to survive and make it through the city deep beneath the surface of the world.
The short story is called The Simulacrum. It is about another character who accompanies Shrugg into the Under Realms and the action takes place outside the City at the same time as Shrugg is inside the City.
Together, these two form the central portion of the complete novel, The Saga of Shrugg. They will be released first as they tell a complete stand alone story.
The Saga of Shrugg is a fantastic novel. That is to say, it is a novel with a fantasy setting. It is about a wizard who has trouble with everything. He does not want trouble. He is in fact peace-loving and mild. But trouble finds him.
Shrugg is forced to leave his home because he is the only nonmagical child in a village of sorcerors. It is not so much that they force him out but rather that he does not fit and leaves of his own accord, a little singed but relieved. He wanders until he finds a home in the Tower of Cordswither, a wizard of great renown who has many apprentices doing magical research and making magical items.
Here, Shrugg learns the other kind of magic, the one where the caster manipulates the world around him instead of drawing energy from within. He proves to be quite adept at it. He soon learns that with great power comes even greater trouble, and he’ll need to manage more than just magic to come out in one piece.